The first photocopied article announces that a local woman, Kathryn Benner Randall, won an award from the Kappa Kappa Gamma Mother's club and will be attending the 1936 National Convention in Montebello, Quebec, Canada; the article also includes a photograph of her. The second article describes a tea which was hosted by a group of Kappas in New York City for those attending a post-convention house party in the city before travelling home. The third article describes a post-convention house party and tea to be held by the Panhellenic House Association at Beekman Tower following the National Convention. The fourth article describes the attendance of four Kappas at their 50th class reunion at St. Lawrence before going to the National Convention. The fifth article describes the unanimous vote at the National Convention to adopt a project to establish club houses for Kappa Kappa Gamma members across North America, including retirement places and vacation centers. The six article describes the attendance of delegates from Portland, Oregon at the National Convention.
Jun 22nd, 1936