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The Key, Vol. 5, No. 2, March 1888
This letter provides updates on the Kappa chapter, including new members, literary work, a joint dining hall table with another fraternity, an anniversary banquet for Phi Delta Theta, and marriage of members.
Mar 1888
Chapter Letters in The KeyLiterary ClubsMarriageNew MembersOther FraternitiesPhi Delta Theta FraternityThe Key Publication
Armstrong, Mrs. Genie EmersonDavis, Alberta WincenreadDewey, Jane WinshipGardner, Dora AndrusHarding, Grace McEnallyJanus, GrecianMeyers, Mabelle IttnerWoodman, ElmerWoodman, Laura Mudgett
Hillsdale College
Hillsdale, Michigan
1880s19th Century