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Chapter Letters: Mu - Butler University, March 1887

The Key, Vol. 4, No. 2, March 1887

After the removal of the charter of Kappa Alpha Theta from Butler College, Mu chapter is uncontested in her bids for members. Accordingly, she has initiated four new members. Mr. H. T. Miller of Phi Delta Theta has written a new song for the Mu chapter which will be published in the new songbook. The Mu girls held a joint meeting with the Sigma Chis this term, which marks a new type of pan-hellenic activity. Three time this year Lambda has entertained friends: a Founders' Day reception, a masquerade party, and a sleighing party. The college event of the season took place on February 10th with the opening of the new Delta Tau Delta hall accompanied by a reception with speeches. Many Mu girls have received various honors and awards.

Date/Date Range

Mar 1887




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