This manual for college panhellenics provides explanations of the policies recommended by the National Panhellenic Conference. There are sections on the establishment and organization of local panhellenic groups, the selection and training of officers, guidelines for membership selection, and suggestions for programs.
People Mentioned/Pictured
Agler, Mrs. B. H.Boyd, Mrs. Robert C.Brigden, Mrs. G. G.Chastang, Mrs. Charles J.Dix, Mrs. Carr E.Foxworthy, Mrs. L. D.Frear, Mrs. Allen Frear J.Gatseos, Mrs. GeorgeHatton, Mrs. FredHinton, Mrs. Frederick W.Hiscock, Mrs. FrankJacobsen, Mrs. BerneKatz, Mrs. WilliamKing, Mrs. ThomasLeonard, Mrs. RobertListon, Mrs. DarrellMcKeeman, Mrs. Robert L.Merrill, Mrs. J. H.Pascal, Mrs. PeterPeterson, Mrs. Lambert W.Pryor, Mrs. WilburWhite, Mrs. RobertWilliamson, Mrs. W. F.