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Wanda Ross Brunkow provides details about the early years of Kappa Kappa Gamma as well as her own experiences with the fraternity.
Brunkow, Wanda RossWestermann, May Cynthia Whiting
1974 - 1979
Early ChaptersEarly KappasFoundersFoundingFraternity HistoryGrand ChaptersGrand PresidentsNational ConventionsQuilts
Boyd, Hannah JeannetteBoyd, Mary Louise BennettCartwright, PeterCurry, Louise WylieField, Mary Moore StewartKuhns, Tade HartsuffMiller, Martha Louisa StevensonPattee, Anna Elizabeth WillitsRoss, Kate B.Vincent, Susan Burley Walker
Jane Davis to Jane Warfield and Friends Card, February 12, 2009
AlphaBeta LambdaBeta ThetaDeltaEpsilonGamma AlphaOmegaRho
South Bay, California
1870s1880s1890s1900s1910s1920s1930s1970s19th Century20th Century
1884 National Convention