The newspaper created by Cleora Wheeler, possibly for the 1928 National Convention, includes articles on Kappa bookplates, a concert given by Edith Gunn-Seebirt, and the Walker Art Gallery. There are also the floor plans of the Chi Chapter house and a map of the Twin Cities.
People Mentioned/Pictured
Aldrich, MildredFarnsworth, Ethel NewcombFrench, Elbrun Munroe RochfordGunn, Mrs. L. B.Henderson, Harriet Emily WalkerKellogg, Frank B.Kerns, Ruth Baker SchmitzMallory, Lydia Elmie WarnerMann, DorothyMann, FrederickMcCord, Clara K. WheelerMurphy, FrancesRochford, Effie Frances AmesSeebirt, Edith Elizabeth GunnSeebirt, Mrs. E. F.Walker, Della MaryWalker, Eveline Vanwinkle SammisWallace, Mrs. W. L.Ward, H. P.Washington, GeorgeWeyerhaeuser, PhillipWheeler, Cleora