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Beta Chi Campus Leaders Photograph, 1960

Beta Chi members who are also campus leaders pose together. They are: (front) Evelyn Bridgforth, Women's Athletic Association Council and Blue Marlins Swim Club treasurer; Jane Leslie Ross, Greek Week art chairman and Little Kentucky Derby publicity chairman; (center) Marlene Pitzer, Homecoming steering committee; Edwina Humphreys, Women's Athletic Association Council and Women's Athletic Association tennis chairman; Gerry Ranch, College of Arts and Sciences representative to Student Congress; (top) Anne Armstrong, Greek Week steering committee and Mortar Board vice president; June Moore, Alpha Lambda Delta, ROTC sponsor, cheerleader, and Student of the Month; Kay Evans, ROTC sponsor and Student Union Board secretary; and Virginia Kemp, Women's Athletic Association Council. This photograph was featured on pg. 52 of the Mid-Winter 1961 issue of The Key.

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