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This article includes a picture of the first officers of the new Sarasota County, Florida alumnae club: Nufer, Gray, Gamble, Hess, and Kosky.
Fowler, Ellen Margaret
AlumnaeNew Alumnae GroupsThe Key Publication
Ackerman, Elizabeth Anne GilbertBlack, Elizabeth NunlistCheney, BarbaraDaehler, Mary Meda ConetyDonovan, Betty Harlan MillerFishback, Lillian WilmottGaley, Blanche FishbackGamble, Constance JamiesonGiles, Nancy Jane LipmanGosnell, DorothyGould, Jane PollardGraham, FrancesGray, Lucille JonesHess, Ruth Armour LearyHolz, Mary Sue SchammelKosky, Mary Victoria BaltagesNufer, Marjorie Elizabeth TaylorOlson, Helen Kathleen HuntRendle, Carrie OttSchammel, Charlene Bo MonsonTerry, Beth Ann Sutherland
Beta LambdaBeta MuBeta ZetaDelta EpsilonDelta EtaDelta OmicronEpsilonEtaGamma EtaGamma KappaGamma RhoGamma ThetaGamma ZetaXi
Adrian CollegeAllegheny CollegeCollege of William and MaryDrake UniversityIllinois Wesleyan UniversityIowa State UniversityRollins CollegeUniversity of ArizonaUniversity of ColoradoUniversity of IllinoisUniversity of IowaUniversity of UtahUniversity of WisconsinWashington State University
Sarasota County, Florida
1960s20th Century