This article includes a photograph of Jean Wells, Louise Haworth, Frances Sterne, Frances Schmitz, Catherine Walz, Clara Pierce, and Dorothy Nowell; four photographs of the Delta Upsilon chapter house's interior; and one of the Delta Upsilon chapter house's exterior.
People Mentioned/Pictured
Appy, Shirley Joy KrehbielBlanchard, Frances Copeland SterneBradbury, Thomas A.Bryan, Mrs. H. L.Davis, Hilda Blount BrownEstes, Mrs. MargaretNowell, Dorothy McCampbellPierce, Clara OwenSchmitz, Frances S. SuttonThornton, Lyn WoodwardTillman, Lucy Penelope EspyWalz, Catherine Deboer KelderWatt, Louise Catherine ChesterWells, Jean Cathlean HessYoung, Joan Louise Haworth