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The Key Publication
Alexander, Frances Elizabeth FatoutAtchison, Anne Bronaugh HallBeall, Pauline TomlinBridgeforth, EvelynCheek, Beverly Ann LaiseEgerton, Nancy Miller UpshawFlynn, Betty Bascom StoneHarmon, Carol Florence EngelsJohnson, Larue Alta AbercrombieKirk, Jessie Wallace HalsteadKirwan, Elizabeth Lewis HeilKirwan, Elizabeth Lewis HeilMaier, Elise BohannanMcGee, Mary Louise LehmanMcGee, Mary Louise LehmanParrish, June MoorePerdue, Beverly Eaves MoorePerdue, Beverly Eaves MooreRobinson, Louise Bennett ClementsRush, Martha WeakleySledd, Carolyn Gay McCannSpeed, Helen Elizabeth ScriptureSteptoe, Mary Patricia ThompsonWilson, Anne Lewis
Beta ChiBeta UpsilonDeltaDelta BetaDelta KappaGamma ChiGamma OmicronGamma RhoGamma TauIota
Allegheny CollegeDePauw UniversityDuke UniversityGeorge Washington UniversityIndiana UniversityNorth Dakota State UniversityUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of MiamiUniversity of WyomingWest Virginia University
1960s20th Century