These pages include 20 photographs of Kappas arriving to and participating in the 1962 National Convention in Asheville, North Carolina.
People Mentioned/Pictured
Adams, Mary Caroline O'DellAiken, Jean Louise RisserBaker, Betty Lou PerkinsBassett, BettieBassett, Miriam Elizabeth GrovesBlackwell, Phyllis Jean PryorCanady, JaneChumrau, Anna Belle HartwigFausnaugh, Agnes Helene ParkFerrara, Margaret Alice BroganHarrison, Elizabeth BarberHarrison, Elizabeth BowerHarter, Anne RossHattner, JoAnn TatumHawkins, Frances M. AlexanderHerbert, Mary Louise CareyHobart, FrancesJohnson, Sue Ann WestMarshall, Betty Louise UdellMeskill, HelenMiller, EmmaJane HosmerMuir, ChristineParkingson, Mabel McCoyPeavey, Dorothy Ann NowellPrice, Betty AnnRissler, Portia Elizabet PittengerRobb, Margaret Maxine RathbunRussell, Margaret Alexandra FrithShaffer, Clara Louise PierceShute, Mary-Martha LawrenceWagner, Hazel May Round