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This article includes a group photograph of the Kappas who met for the Zeta province convention.
Apr 1946
Hicks, Jayne Gray
Chapter Letters in The KeyChapter ReportsThe Key Publication
Carpenter, Jane Gray McPhersonCox, Martha May GalleherDudley, Mary EdmonaFehr, Doris Gene DickeyHeddens, Kathryn Sue RogersHeter, Carol JeanJaeggi, Helen KuttlerKane, Lois Jean MeyerKratz, Barbara Gale BlackburnLitchfield, Mary Carolyn MorrillManning, Margaret Jane CarrisNichols, Patricia HumphreyNoll, Laurel Sue CrabbObear, June Meredith BurkartOlsson, Doris Jean GuenzelRandolph, JaneRoberts, Mary Agnes GrahamScott, Elizabeth Ann GallupShirley, Martha ElizabethWing, Gladys Northcott
Beta ZetaGamma AlphaGamma IotaGamma ThetaOmegaRho DeuteronSigmaThetaUpsilon
Drake UniversityKansas State UniversityNorthwestern UniversityOhio Wesleyan UniversityUniversity of IowaUniversity of KansasUniversity of MissouriUniversity of NebraskaWashington University
Columbia, Missouri
1940s20th Century