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Apr 1928
Abbott, Mrs. William R.Acheson, Elizabeth Josephine ColeAcker, Jeannette LattaAckerson, Louise WalravenAdams, Elizabeth Halsey WhiteAdams, Eunice Eleanor HerkenhoffAdams, Jean Elsie RobertsonAdams, Mary KnowlesAirth, Phyllis Georgia PlaxtonAlbershardt, Mrs. W. G.Alexander, Frances Elizabeth FatoutAllee, Doris Millicent JonesAllen, Juliette IreneAllerdice, Ruth AnnAlt, Helen Boulton SpechtAmis, Emily Eleanor DowningAnderson, Florence Drummon FletcherAnderson, Mrs. Royston H.Andrews, Martha M.Angelillo, Roberta Grace Van NuysArdell, Miriam MiersArmstrong, Dorothy Nell RossAtkinson, Kathryn Margaret WilsonAustin, Alice GuthrieAvis, Rosalie BroadheadAydelott, Marjorie Charlotte DumBacon, Rosamond ClarkeBaier, Mrs. L. A.Bain, Jean KnightBallweg, Charlotte R. GilmanBarker, Georgia LoringBarmettler, Mariana ChapmanBarner, Dorothea RobinsonBaugh, June TaylorBaumgarten, Gail CrawfordBeatty, MargeryBeck, RuthBeckers, Annadel KellyBeckett, Mary Ann BakerBedford, Catharine Louise WalkerBell, Frances Virginia OttBenedict, Patricia HatfieldBenjamin, DeloresBerg, Elizabeth M. EastmanBerger, Vesta GraftonBerglund, Rachel ElizabethBerry, Margaret H. DardenBerwald, Mrs. WilliamBeshore, Ellen Gertrude RoodaBeveridge, Ann Palmer NicholsBicknell, Minnie Lee MarksBishop, Marion Olive SmithBlack, JanetBlack, Mrs. George M.Blackburn, Margaret G.Blakeley, Edith Marie MaconBlaker, Maurine DowningBliss, Violet Augusta SchambsBlunt, Eleanor Edith SnyderBlunt, Eleanor Edith SnyderBohannon, Esther Leah MooreBolinger, Sara Rebecca StrattonBond, Prudence E. PalfreyBonner, Marguerite Solte WellmanBorders, Kate Edmonstone ThompsonBorgeson, AnneBorgeson, JennieBossus, ElizabethBott, Mary Ellen HaymakerBovingdon, Ivarose GeilBradford, Dorothy Leavitt LankfordBradshaw, Mrs. HarmonBraunstein, Jane Marcella FergusonBray, Katherine GauseBrayton, Mrs. I. R.Brennan, Margaret E. McCannaBrennan, Mrs. James F.Brewer, Mrs. Robert M.Briedenthal, RuthBriggs, Mildred Jane HamiltonBrockett, Margaret Nel DaughenbaughBrooks, Elise WilborBrooks, Mary Elizabeth ThomasBrown, Caroline MorrisonBrown, Helen Rogers HoadleyBrown, MarionBrown, Nell WoodBrowne, Harriet Guyon FrenchBruce, Annie Lee DuncanBrush, Charlotte P.Bugbee, Harriet C.Bugbee, Jane Sheppard PritchardBurke, Dorothy Elizabeth HirschmanBurnsides, ClaraBurton, TinsleyBuss, Jane KingButt, Dorothy Louise BishopButts, Catherine Carro StahlmannByrne, Ruth Ellen MillerCampbell, Catharine Taylor DouglasCampbell, Marea Maurer ErfCantrell, BillieCarlile, CatherineCarman, Mattiebelle HubbartCarothers, JerymeCarr, Mrs. R.Carroll, Christine Henry ThomsonCarter, Margaret Ruth SpurrCason, DorothyChambers, Katherine NothChampie, Jane RylandChandler, Virginia TomlinsonCheney, MarionChesley, Margaret Louise MacFaddenChickering, Mrs. AllenChidlaw, Dorothy Elizabeth JohnsonClark, Isabel JanetClark, Virginia SchaeferClifton, Mildred EichertCline, Lenore PettitClouse, Ethel Margaret FranklinColbath, Vesta Hildur SwensonColes, Louise BartlettCollins, Louise Morris CarrollColston, Dorothy R.Colvin, AnneComstock, Mary HavensConley, Sarah GertrudeCooper, KittyCooper, Norma WilliamsCoors, Betty Jane McCulloughCopeland, Helen LouiseCorton, Mrs. E. L.Costin, Mrs. James W.Cottis, DorothyCoughlin, Crystal EnglishCowden, Katherine Tuttle LoweCowgill, EvelynCox, Evelyn DanielCraig, CatharineCraig, Isabel StonexCrapsey, Eddye DuvallCreath, Caulean SabraCrosby, Hannah GertrudeCross, Charlotte EltonCrow, Charlotte Anne BurksCrowe, Mrs. MabelCurrier, Louise Mason GallagherCuster, Maud E.Dade, Mildred HustonDallas, Marie ButlerDamon, Jean HuffmanDavid, Martha Dora CoombsDavidson, GenevaDavidson, Helena LansingDavis, ClaireDavis, Martha Clift McDowellDawning, MarthaDeal, Mary Shannon HaysDecker, Margaret ElizabethDecker, Mrs. AlbertDee, Kathryn BowlbyDeming, Alice Louise TurnerDepue, Carolyn OlsonDeselm, Margaret Lucille PoucherDixon, EdithDobson, Mrs. J. F.Dodge, Alwilda Margar SouthworthDodge, Katharine HalseyDodson, Eleanor HavreDonat, Helen Elizabeth OsborneDoolittle, Rosalie FurryDowns, Helen Marian ProtheroDoyle, Frances StrouthersDuggan, Marie MargaretDull, Alberta May BanghamDunklee, Margie Adele KernerDunlap, Alice HillDunning, Mrs. Charles S.Duryea, Ruth Irene RitcheyDyer, Susan LouiseEbbs, Adele Page StattenEdmunds, Catherine Margare PrestonEdwards, Kathleen E. HaslettEger, HelenElaine, AnnieEldridge, Elaine BryggerElfe, Hazel Elizabeth PetersonElliot, HarrietElliott, Hazel Katherine HawkinsElliott, Mrs. W. F.Ellsworth, Dorothy FererElrod, Mrs. TomEmbry, Martha Jeanette VerserEmory, Blanche EllenoreEngel, Maurine Dell EhringerEstill, Mrs. RodesEvans, Maryann Prewitt YoungEvans, Ruthanna EamesEverett, Margaret Bruce CarterEwing, Isabelle McIntyre McMainFaries, Mrs. J. C.Faulkner, Helen Mc ColvinFergotson, KatherineFerree, SyrenaFifer, Mrs. PaulFinch, Mrs. Edward W.Fish, Kathryn Olive TopFisher, Isabel Magna RandallFiske, Katherine Marshall AtwoodFiske, Mrs. A. H.Fondren, Mary Doris LedwidgeFoster, Barbara ChaseFoster, Mary Louise MetzFox, Lorena White McCombFrazier, Eolia Eunice GilsonFudge, Florence BrayFuller, Mrs. GeorgeGage, Beatrice EvelynGahr, Lois Bodley TaylorGalloway, Mary FrancesGalloway, Mrs. E. O.Gans, Priscilla Alden BaconGardner, Beatrice GachesGarnard, Mrs. R. T.Gass, Rebecca McCrady HornerGay, Frances M. McKennaGeiser, Jane SchoentgunGellatly, MargaretGenge, Jeanne LasherGeorg, Mary C. HatfieldGerberding, Ada Louise LarsonGibbs, Edith FoxGiebler, Elizabeth Turrell BeamGiles, Mary LouiseGillette, Deborah Fessenden BentGillette, Mrs. Lois N.Glasier, Adelaide Beatrice CrockerGlover, Hermione PerkinsGohn, VirginiaGoltra, Eleanor Welles LippincottGoode, Mrs. Robert B.Goodwin, Gwendolyn RamseurGoodwin, Mary Virginia HiltonGordon, Frances Hill GarrisonGoubeaux, Generose SchreelGraham, Helen Caroline BrookeGramling, E. Luveta H. StevensGraybeal, Mrs. E. V.Greber, AliceGrever, JeannetteGrimes, Anne Frances LyonGrimes, Jane Davis MilnerGrimm, BettyGriot, Florence HannaGrove, Catherine Jane BrandGrubb, Mary Ellen KingGundy, Dorothy Diamond EndicottGuy, Laura Weldon CapenHagerty, Elizabeth Hope MaderHahn, Elizabeth West GrassieHaines, Nannie F. HoytHall, Rhoda Christine HalvorsenHalvorsen, George Ann BrownHamilton, Josephine AndersonHamilton, Marian GoodfellowHamilton, Martha Matilda RoysterHammet, ConchitaHandley, Hazel HolderHangar, CarolineHanselman, Helen BeiderwelleHanson, Charlotte LeeperHardie, Dorothy ThomasHardin, LucilleHardy, MarionHare, Alice Marie HenryHarriff, Mary MoreHarrington, Virginia StoneHarris, Helen Sturten McDonaldHarris, Margaret E. StillHarris, Wilma Ferne ScottHarrison, Mrs. G. C.Harrison, Mrs. W. H.Hawkins, Mercedes BryanHeidel, Hulda Ruth HobbsHendren, Mrs. HardyHepler, Edythe Elizabeth ClayHerndon, Freda MayHerney, VirginiaHerrmann, MayHesselgrave, Ruth AvalineHibbert, Zella ColeHickam, HubertHicks, ElizabethHigh, Bessie Mildred YatesHilscher, Mrs. EdnaHinrichs, Miriam MarbleHixson, Mary NiblackHodges, JaquelineHolloway, JeannetteHolmes, Mrs. Charles S.Hoover, Barber-Nell ThomasHorine, Kathryn Caroline KunkelHorner, Louise M.Hoskins, JosephineHouston, Mrs. W. H.Howard, Mary SawyerHowe, Mrs. Thomas C.Howe, RebeccaHoy, G. JaneHugres, Mrs. Edwin K.Hull, Martha Elizabeth NicholsHumphries, Alta MartinHunt, Florence Lee MathewsHunt, Marguerite Lucille ThometzHunt, Miriam AustinHutchinson, Ada FlynnIrons, Velma Irma WrightJackson, WinifredJames, Catharine Elizabeth LewisJames, Dorothy Anne RiceJameson, Mrs. M. A.Jamie, Louise B. ClotheyJandrey, Clemence De GrawJessup, Mary E.Jewett, Mrs. Bertha ShoreJohns, Mary Helen PotterJohnson, Miriam Hele BretschneiderJohnson, Mrs. Phillip L.Jones, EdithJones, Helen Murray HoskinsonJoplin, Jennifer L. BradyJuel, DorisKaiser, Mary Ann GaberKane, Helen Elizabeth ShirkeyKeeling, Dorothy Annette MorganKeller, BettyKelly, Mrs. WallaceKennedy, Martha CombsKenney, Elinor CraigKing, Mrs. ReubenKirby, Mrs. O. E.Kirschner, Lora Madeline YeoKlepper, Elma JenningsKnox, Clare Loudon HargroveKnox, Jane Gould RameyKolvus, Elizabeth Lannatt MerriamKooman, Ruth Perry FendersonKraft, Martha CovertKricker, Agnes Evans McNuttKrug, Eleanor Charlton GibsonKurtz, Mary Elizabeth HughesLanders, Mrs. H. S.Lane, Myrtle E. YoderLange, Janet Elizabeth MacKenzieLanning, Irene Alice FlaneginLapine, Virginia McManusLaramy, BettyLawrence, Louise HamiltonLeavitt, Mildred ChartersLeckard, Virginia Atwod LegalleeLee, ElizabethLeSourd, Lucille AshmanLeSourd, Mrs. H. M.Lewis, Isabella CaldwellLighton, Irene FeeLillis, Helen C.Livingston, Elizabeth StillLockerby, Florence KatherinLombard, Barbara Senn EhrsamLoney, Doris Isabelle HowardLouden, KathrynLowd, EddieLudy, Mary AnnE RiceLysaght, Carol ZimmermanMacauley, GraceMacDonald, Katherine Marie PottsMack, Frances Elizabeth ShoupMack, Nancy Isabel HassigMacNary, Hazel Patterson RenoMacy, Deborah Jane KeeverMadden, Virginia Irene TingleMann, Lucy HigginbothamMarkham, Grace Florence DawsonMarron, Louise CoxMarshall, Mrs. E. K.Martin, Mary Alida Eleanor StarrMartin, Mrs. Melvin J.McArthur, EleanorMcCallum, Eleanor F. WalkerMcCallum, Frances Atlanta TarltonMcCann, Ellen E. MeddenMcCarthy, Susan ColeMcConnell, Mrs. AlbertMcCormick, Margaret Jane HoffmanMcCutcheon, Vitula Moorman VandyneMcDaniel, Florence Emily RogersMcDermott, Madeline EConstan WagnerMcDonald, MadelineMcFall, Mary BeatriceMcGinley, Grace Genevieve GlennonMcGrath, Margaret Helen GoodmanMcGraw, Roberta Ellen LorenzMcIndoe, Imogen WentworthMcIntosh, Helen F.McIntyre, Clara FrancesMcIntyre, Mary Ann KinnemanMcKay, MarjorieMcKenzie, Betty Randolph DuvalMcNamee, JosephineMealy, Harriet Lucile GregoryMearns, Mrs. R. W.Mellick, Frances GuyleeMeredith, Elinor Margaret SmithMerriman, Mrs. W. H.Meschter, Emily BostwickMeseke, Maurine Margaret BryanMetzger, Adrienne GrantMiddleton, Margaret EvelynMiekle, Ernestine HuningMiles, Helen Toay UnderwoodMillar, Lilian Elizabeth StaplesMiller, Anna MarieMiller, Frances AlmaMilner, Mary LesherMilton, Mary MooreMims, May Bradford LutzMolarsky, Margaret GibbonsMonsted, Lucile ScottMontgomery, Mary Clarissa MorleyMoore, ElgeniaMore, Mary GayMorley, Megan VirginiaMorrison, Phyllis Virginia AdamsMorrow, Marion KirkmannMorton, Jeannette A.Mulcahy, Marcella ReidyMullin, Mrs. Howard B.Murray, Agnes Murray ClarkNeedham, Ruth Elinor ClemensNeuman, Margaret ClarkNewton, Genevieve BlackNichols, Eileen Elizabeth OmaraNichols, Winbourne SmithNordeen, Elizabeth Cornelia EllisNorthway, Mary LouiseO'Connell, Dorothy Temple WatkinsO'Connor, Vera Frances PlathO'Donnell, Ruth MagillO'Rourke, Dorothy OstenbergOkie, Opal Parker CainOniell, Marion AlvisOrr, MargaretOstrander, Mrs. JosephOverlees, MarthaOwnby, MargueriteOwre, Katherine JacobsenPage, Mary Katherine HallPage, Susan May FlintParmenter, Helen Margaret WirkkalaPayton, Helen Elrod HumphreysPeake, AlicePeatman, Martha Ellen RicePerley, Mrs. GeorgePettit, ElizabethPhillips, Katherine Graves BartlettPhoebe, RowePielemeier, Lois Ann LangdonPierce, Virginia QuarlesPitcher, Jean Rittenhouse HodgePlatter, Claire Lucille PearsallPowell, Betty DouglasPowell, EvaPowell, Eva Emery MillerPowell, Jessie HowellPownall, Helen BreesePressel, Mary Lawrence StonePreyer, EmilyPrigge, Mrs. John S.Putnam, Alice McQuistonPutnam, Martha EberhardtRandle, Flora Marie SabbertRandolf, Margaret Fair SprankleRauch, Marjorie Benson GretzRay, Geraldine CatherineReeves, Virginia Helen HuntleyRegent, Wilton WadeReinnehl, VioletReiter, Winifred StammReynolds, Jeanne Marie BoutelleRhymer, Mary Frances MurrayRice, Margaret Matilda MoudyRichardson, Louise Sara MilesRiedel, Eleanor GallowayRies, MinnetteRiley, Mrs. William F.Roach, KemptonRoberts, Helen May LegateRobertson, Elizabeth Jane HopewellRobinson, Mrs. MabelRobitaille, Alberta Talbot BerryRockford, ElbrunRodkey, Frances HitnerRoe, MarionRoff, Gertrude Louise BestorRogers, Endora Estelle HarrisRogers, ThelmaRollins, Mrs. Mildred MorganRose, Elinor Twitchell KiessRosenwald, Winifred Lillian GlassRothchild, JosephineRowe, Mary Gretchen HaigRowe, Sarah Roberta WeaverRowland, Sylva Titian WeaverRuddell, Mrs. Almus G.Rummell, Margaret E. McCarthyRuth, Ruth Louise ThomsonRutter, JanetSandberg, Margaret HayesSanford, Helen Shawmut ButtonSanger, Margaret HeleneSargent, Edith L. ArculariusSater, Mrs. KennethSatterlee, Ruth Alexander ReaSaunders, Margaret Ernesti PreusserSavage, Helen MacArthurSchmidt, Louise WilhelminaSchryock, Mrs. RichardSchulmeyer, Grace ThomasSchwering, Hazal Marie PrutsmanSciutto, Benetta Delight MernerScott, Marjorie Evelyn WaltonScudamore, Roberta Elizabeth ReadeSeiders, FlorenceSeiffert, Flora Hale BestorSessions, Frances Barbara CoxSharp, Catharine BlackburnShaughnessy, Evelyn Maree EmahiserShearer, Josephine HaworthSherwood, Edith Eliza FisherShipman, Emma ChrisSiegel, Marjorie Jane PattonSimmons, Iva MarieSkaggs, Elizabeth MisenerSkidmore, Eloise M. OwingsSmall, Anita Winifred PalmerSmith, Anne WhiteSmith, Helen Ruth WalkerSmith, Hessie DelevanSmith, Jennie MargaretSmith, Marion Frances KinsingerSmith, Virginia ColeySnider, Mrs. C. W.Solomon, Blanche SmithSorey, Katherine PeakSpangler, Jane MichenerSpaulding, Mrs. C. W.Speare, Dorothy SimmonsSpeare, Mary Elizabeth GeorgeStanbro, Susan Susan JordanStanding, Mary Ricketts JacksonStandish, Beatrice Evelyn MesmerStanger, Phyllis ShirleyStayman, Lucile Maria DumSteele, Frances Caroline MatthewsSteffl, Margaret Gray PateSteinbicker, ClaraStephens, Lois BiddleStephenson, Mrs. D. M.Stevens, Eleanor H. CunninghamStevens, Mrs. A. C.Stevenson, Lorene Kathryn RockeStewart, Elizabeth Davis KayserStockton, MaryStoll, Dixie LeonardStone, Letta BrockStoneman, Cathryn WellsStorms, HelenStrauss, Marianne EllisStuart, Ruth BewsherStude, Dorothy Chrissi GundelachSugg, Dorothy GrahamSult, Elizabeth Harriso ShapleySutton, Gertrude PoeSwindaman, Ruth Frances GarverSyverud, Ruth MercerTallmadge, Mrs. AlvanTannan, CatherineTanquary, Mrs. M. C.Taylor, Betty ScudderTaylor, Elizabeth Ann WiebkingTaylor, Mrs. G. B.Terrance, PaulineTerry, Mrs. FredTerwillegar, VernaThayer, Lorraine ClaraM SchwegelThomas, Caroline BalmerThomas, Dorothy Blanche QuickThomas, Margaret Kenyon MixThomason, Margaret CatlinThompson, Jeanette Steele BrooksThompson, Margaret ForakerThompson, Rebecca BurtisThornhill, Geneva DyerTodd, Jean Curtis OsborneTrechel, Barbara Conklin CrosbyTukey, Mary Brown AllenTweedie, Norma Rae LaurendineUhl, Avis NelsonVan Dusen, Marion Josephine HumeVan Oosterhout, Edna Mary CantwellVan Riper, Anne HaydenVanatta, Helen SiskVanHorn, MaryVenable, Margaret Lathrop MooreVernazza, Marcelle WynnVierson, Mary Harrison GamesVines, Eleanor DouglassViskniskki, Mrs. Guy T.Vogel, Grace Emily LutherWade, Miriam F. ReadWalker, Dorothy Mae DaviesWalker, MarionWall, Dorothy Estelle GivensWaller, BeatriceWalsdorf, Dorothy BaileyWalton, Dorothy Bradshaw ByarsWatson, Mrs. J. F.Weaver, MargaretWeaver, Marjorie Z.Weber, Alice C. ChewningWebster, Alice Elliott SchadeWeible, Mrs. Ralph E.Weil, Jean BolsingerWeimer, Marian HarrisonWerner, Vera E. BryantWertz, Barbara Kaye BolesWest, Simon Hyrons LumpkinWest, Sue Ellen BrooksWheelan, Harriet Elizabet HoughtonWherry, Miriam PlattWhite, CatherineWhitehead, Mrs. Thorp J.Whittaker, Violet BohmanWichert, Edna Estelle BakerWilbur, Mildred G. TuggleWildman, Lucy Frances FieldWildman, Mrs. EllizWillett, Margaret NordstromWilliams, Beatrice H. EstabrookWilliams, Mrs. Claude F.Williams, Virginia Vankirk MorganWilmarth, Emily E. WhiteWilson, Eleanor Harrietta FuquaWilson, Eloise WelbornWilson, Mrs. G. W.Windsor, LucilleWinn, Elizabeth BrewerWinn, Katherine QuisenberryWissler, Jane ClappWitter, Janet HutchinsonWolfe, Mrs. Gail B.Wooddell, Anna May AlfordWooden, Thekla LamingWoods, NathalieWooledge, Mrs. JohnWright, Ella Haines ThompsonWright, Katherine AmosWyatt, Mildred HalleyYoung, Mrs. N. C.Zens, Nilah V. ByrumZiliak, Edwina Cole Bearss
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