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Apr 1924
Taubman, Corinth Doris Smith
Alumnae AssociationsBirth AnnouncementsMarriage AnnouncementsNews Letters in The KeySocial EventsThe Key Publication
Boyden, Thomas JamesBoyden, Zella Marie ThompsonGehr, Emma Jane GarbadeGerlinger, Beatrice Elizabeth LeeHopkins, Mildred Clara BroughtonPiper, Catherine BurnsidePiper, Janet BurnsideRichards, Alice HuntingtonRogers, Marian ReedRogers, RobertShaver, Genevieve KellerTrowbridge, Lucille StantonWatson, Madelene Dewalt Harding
Beta OmegaBeta Pi
University of OregonUniversity of Washington
Portland, Oregon
1920s20th Century