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History of the Award of Honor Given to Miss Elizabeth Arden Booklet, September 18, 1967

A collection of documents compiled by Cleora Wheeler from 1945-1967 recounting the events surrounding the KKG Award of Honor scroll given to Elizabeth Arden in appreciation for her generosity in contributing a Powder Room for each Service Women's Center. The scroll was presented to Arden in 1945 and borrowed by KKG for the 1946 Convention. When Wheeler asked to borrow it again for the 1952 Convention, it was discovered that the scroll was missing. The booklet contains Wheeler's suspicions about what happened to the scroll, copies of correspondence, pages from the December 1945 issue of The Key, a copy of The Fleur-de-Lis Series 22, No. 2, and a copy of the 1922 National Convention Program.

Print Date

Sep 18th, 1967


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