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1896 Grand Council Photograph, August 26-September 1, 1896

This photograph, showing the 1896 Grand Council, is actually a section of the official 1896 National Convention group photograph. This was the first instance in which the Grand Council wore caps and gowns to the National Convention. This photograph was published on page 584 of History of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1870-1930. The back of this photographs lists the names of the women as they appear in the photograph. National Historian, Mrs. Theodore Westermann, created this section in order to get a satisfactory image of Mary J. Hull. The resulting image of Hull's face was featured on page 737 of The History of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1870-1930.

Date/Date Range

Aug 26th, 1896 - Sep 1st, 1896




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