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Donations to Children's Ward of Orange County Hospital Scrapbook, Front Cover

This 86-page scrapbook documents the Southern Orange County Alumnae Club's philanthropic support of the Children's Ward of Orange County Hospital. It contains drawings, paper cut-outs, and newspaper and magazine clippings that show items donated to and projects completed for the hospital. The book is organized chronologically by year, from 1948 through 1956. By the mid-1950s the focus of the materials widens to include all philanthropy projects of the Southern Orange County Alumnae group. Several loose clippings and ephemera are also associated with this scrapbook. The scrapbook features light brown wooden covers with metal hinges imprinted with the image of a key. A metal plate decorated with the letters KKG and a fleur-de-lis is affixed to the front. The pages are held together by a brown cord.

Historical Context


Alumni/ae Organization


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