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Epsilon Tau Chapter Scrapbook, 1977-1978

This scrapbook documents the colonization and installation of Epsilon Tau Chapter in the spring of 1977, as well as the activities of the chapter and its members during the 1977-1978 school year. It contains photographs, newspaper clippings, cards, and other ephemera that show chapter life, fraternity and campus events at Mississippi State University, and personal achievements of individual members. The book itself was a gift from Delta Rho Chapter.

Date/Date Range

1977 - 1978

Historical Context

Starkville, Mississippi

Condition Notes

The backs of many pages in this scrapbook are stained from the items on the opposite pages.

Physical Description

This 92-page scrapbook features brown wooden covers with metal hinges. The front was once decorated with the letters KKG and the fraternity's coat of arms, but only two Ks remain. A silver plaque that reads "To Epsilon Tau from Delta Rho, 4-16-77" is also affixed to the front.



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